The sella is covered by a dural reflection (i.e., diaphragma sellae) above which lies the suprasellar cistern. Lateral to the sella turcica are the cavernous sinuses containing the carotid arteries and cranial nerves III, IV, V1 (ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve), and VI. The pituitary gland normally sits within the sella. The sella turcica is a bony depression in the sphenoid bone. The sellar floor can be studied on frontal radiographs angled tangentially to the plane of the floor (Caldwell view). Sella Turcica and Parasellar Region. The seat of the saddle is known as the hypophyseal fossa, which holds the pituitary gland.The hypophyseal fossa is located in a depression in the body of the sphenoid bone.Located anteriorly to the hypophyseal fossa is the tuberculum sellae.. The sella turcica from Latin (turkish chair) is a saddle-shaped depression in the dorsal surface of the basisphenoid's body; with a median depression corresponding to the pituitary gland, the hypophysial fossa (Fossa hypophysialis), limited caudally by a plate more or less prominent and lifted forward: the dorsum sellae. Although any tumor can metastasize to the pituitary gland, carcinomas of the breast and lung account for 50% and 20% of cases respectively, based on a review of 220 cases by McCormick et al. An enlarged sella turcica is a significant finding, suggesting the presence of a pituitary neoplasm, empty sella syndrome, extrapituitary neoplasm, or possibly a normal variant of the patient's anatomy. The height of a normal gland can be up to 9 mm.4 The gland tends to enlarge during puberty and pregnancy. His study of the various shapes of the fossa showed the oblong and cuboidal types to prevail. A small sella turcica may be associated with pituitary insufficiency, but the correlation is poor [1] and most small sellas are of no significance. It divides the middle cranial fossa in the medial plane into a right and a left half. It is covered also by the brain coverings and has no connection with the exterior of the cranium… Read More Dorsum sellae – forms the posterior wall of the sella turcica. Recent studies report an overall incidence on imaging of 12%.3 Most patients with an empty sella on imaging are asymptomatic. The sella turcica is a structure in the skull which is designed to support the pituitary gland.This important gland at the base of the brain releases a number of different hormones from its snugly positioned spot in the sella turcica. Adjacent to the posteroinferior aspect of the cavernous sinus lies Meckel’s cave, which harbors the gasserian ganglion. The dorsum sellae is part of the sphenoid bone in the skull.Together with the basilar part of the occipital bone it forms the clivus.. The sella turcica is a bony depression in the sphenoid bone. According to Taveras and Wood [1], 17 mm is the upper limit of normal for the maximum anteroposterior diameter of the sella. Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. 1, Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research, Vol. Metastases are also the most frequent tumor of the eurohypophysis, which is affected about twice as often as the adenohypophysis. THE roentgenologic interpretation and significance of changes, in and about the sella turcica are so dependent on an accurate knowledge of the normal and pathologic anatomy of this structure that this study was undertaken in an effort to demonstrate in a series of 110 cases the normal and pathologic changes found postmortem. The greatest transverse measurement, or width, represents the distance between the lateral boundaries of the fossa. This has been referred to as the empty sella syndrome (Figs. The two can be differentiated on imaging because the posterior lobe characteristically demonstrates increased T1 signal on unenhanced images while the anterior lobe is isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. The cavernous sinus receives venous blood from the following: The gland itself is composed of an anterior lobe, intermediate (vestigial) lobe, and posterior lobe. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Fitzgerald, in a study of one hundred skulls, endeavored to show a relationship between the size of the pituitary fossa and the skull. Anteroinferiorly, the foramen rotundum conducts V2 (maxillary division of trigeminal nerve). However, some may develop a constellation of symptoms including hypopituitarism, inferior displacement of the optic tracts with associated visual disturbance, rhinorrhea, and other symptoms pertaining to elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). The sphenoid sinus is inferior and anterior to the sella turcica, the paired cavernous sinuses are lateral, the suprasellar cistern and its contents are superior, and the basilar artery and brainstem are posterior . The average length of the sella is 10.5 mm and a range of 5 - 16 mm and an average width of 14.0 mm and a range of 10 - 16 mm. \ Medical Definition of sella turcica : a depression in the middle line of the upper surface of the sphenoid bone in which the pituitary gland is lodged Learn More about sella turcica Marcel Maya, Barry D. Pressman, in The Pituitary (Fourth Edition), 2017. The pituitary gland normally sits within the sella. 19.1).1 Autopsy studies confirm the high disease prevalence reported to be 5.5% to 20% of the general population.2 Not surprisingly, many patients who undergo brain imaging will have a partially empty sella. Investigators have also attempted to use the area and the volume of the sella turcica to serve as better predictors of pituitary disease. The sella turcica is an indentation in the sphenoid bone at the base of your skull that holds the pituitary gland. Hurler disease is associated with elongation of the posterior aspect of the sella, creating a J-shaped configuration. 21, No. Therefore, caution must be exercised in suggesting pituitary gland pathology in young adolescent patients and women of child-bearing age. A Comparison of two Radiological Methods of Measurement, Radiographic Determination of the Growth of the Pituitary Fossa in Pre-school Children, Further roentgenographic studies of the sellaturcica in abnormal children, On the dimensions of the hypophyseal fossa in man. The gland tends to enlarge during puberty and pregnancy. Anteriorly, the sella turcica is bound by the tuberculum sellae and anterolaterally by the anterior clinoid processes. Sella turcica: A depression in the base of the skull where the pituitary gland is situated. Dennis M. Marchiori, in Clinical Imaging (Third Edition), 2014. However, commonly reported clinical symptoms include nontraumatic CSF fluid rhinorrhea, irregular menstruation, fatigue, visual disturbances, headaches, and pituitary hyposecretion or hypersecretion. 2 Trends in the radiological study of pituitary adenoma Study of the shape of the sella turcica and the bony density of its margins, are limited in their value as predictors of pituitary and/or parasellar disease. Empty sella is the presence of CSF within an enlarged sella turcica. As the roentgen image of the sella is dependent on the configuration of the sphenoid bone, dorsum sellæ, and clinoid processes, observation was limited to the variations found in these structures. The posterior surface of attached with membrane, which is termed as dorsum sellae amd the anterior order is attached with the tuberculum sellae. Meningiomas frequently calcify, and on rare occasions pituitary tumors calcify (pituitary stone). Anatomy of the Sella Turcica The anterior, posterior, and inferior walls of the sella turcica are bony while the lateral walls and roof are made of dura that slings between the anterior and posterior clinoid processes. He also measured the length, breadth, anterior depth and posterior depth of the fossa. 2, © 2021 Radiological Society of North America, Incidence and morphometry of sellar bridges and related foramina in dry skulls: Their significance in middle cranial fossa surgery, A CBCT Investigation of the Association between Sella-Turcica Bridging and Maxillary Palatal Canine Impaction, The Enigma behind Pituitary and Sella Turcica. Posterior to the sella are the posterior clinoid processes, dorsum sellae, and interpeduncular cistern containing the basilar apex and cranial nerves III and IV. Surgery may be warranted. The sella turcica is a bony depression in the sphenoid bone. It was called the sella turcica (the Turkish saddle) because of its resemblance to a saddle used by the Turks which had supports in the front and back. The dural roof of the … antidiuretic hormone (ADH)). Pituitary tumour, most common cause of enlargement of the sella turcica, the bone cavity in the head in which the pituitary gland is located. 5, The British Journal of Radiology, Vol. Anatomically, the sella turcica has been expressed as variable. Inferiorly, the sella turcica has a thin floor of cortical bone, below which lies the sphenoid sinus. Sella Bony anatomy. The vertical or depth measurement was taken along a line dropped from the antero-posterior line to the deepest point on the floor of the sella. Do cervical spine X-rays for trauma have clinically significant incidental findings? 4, 13 September 2009 | The European Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. Empty sella syndrome designates the presence of related symptoms. In the sphenoid bone, the anterior boundary of the sella turcica is completed by two small eminences, one on either side, called the middle clinoid processes, while the posterior boundary is formed by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sellae, … 2, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 10 March 2008 | Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, Vol. The pituitary gland, which weighs about 0.5 g in the adult, is the only structure of … 110, No. Although variations exist, the sella turcica generally should not exceed an anteroposterior dimension of 16 mm or a vertical depth of 12 mm on a lateral skull radiograph. Initial enthusiasm emphasized visualization of small areas of sella floor erosion and/or depression. Abstract THE roentgenologic interpretation and significance of changes, in and about the sella turcica are so dependent on an accurate knowledge of the normal and pathologic anatomy of this structure that this study was undertaken in an effort to demonstrate in a series of 110 cases the normal and pathologic changes found postmortem. Hypophyseal fossa – the deepest part of the sella turcica, where the pituitary gland is located. The anteroposterior diameter of the sella has been defined as a line connecting the tuberculum with the farthest portion of the posterior sella wall. The above photos are from young rats ranging from 2.5 – 8 weeks of age. The sella is bordered laterally by the cavernous sinuses, superiorly by the diaphragma sella (dural fold), anteroinferiorly by the sphenoid sinus and posteriorly by the pontine cistern. Empty sella syndrome, in contrast, is merely a description of what is seen on an imaging study, and there is no typical set of clinical signs or symptoms associated with this imaging finding. 19.2–19.4). Criteria The sella turcica is visualized without rotation or tilt as indicated by the following: - Sella turcica and clivus are demonstrated in profile. The size and configuration of the pituitary gland is thought to vary by age and sex. 6, No. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 8, 15 December 2017 | The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, Vol. A parallel study of the roentgen anatomy of the sella turcica and the histopathology of the pituitary gland in 205 autopsy specimens Neuroradiology, Vol. Anatomy. Sella turcica – a saddle-shaped depression. Ramsey Ashour, ... Harry van Loveren, in Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base and Spine (Second Edition), 2018. Numerous studies of the “normal” sella turcica size were performed and reported prior to CT and MR. Enlargement of the sella turcica was thought to be an indicator of pituitary pathology, as were distortion of shape and contour of the sella. At this stage of development the pituitary gland is small and pale pink in color. Radiology department of the University of Toronto, Canada and the Radiology department the Medical Centre Alkmaar, the Netherlands. However, in the first 6 weeks of life the anterior pituitary is bright as well on T1-weighted images in 82%.3 The size and configuration of the pituitary gland are thought to vary by age and sex. Eric C. Bourekas, ... H. Wayne Slone, in Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging (Second Edition), 2016. 14-9).14 The depth of the sella is measured as the greatest distance perpendicular to a line connecting the tip of the dorsum sellae to the tuberculum sellae. Diaphragma sellae • Forms roof of sella turcica • covers the pituitary gland, except in its center, which transmits the pituitary stalk • thin, tenuous structure not an adequate barrier for protecting the suprasellar structures during transsphenoidal operation • deficiency of the diaphragma sellae assumed to be a precondition to formation of empty sella. The anterior lobe, adenohypophysis, forms about 75–80% of the gland and is a center for hormone synthesis, including thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and prolactin. Its most important value is its relative stability, practicality and the ease of location of both points Sella and Nasion. Shown Sella turcica, anterior and posterior clinoid processes, dorsum sallae, and clivus are shown. Intrasellar, parasellar, or suprasellar fat and calcifications may be excellent indicators of pathology. 46, No. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The sella is bordered laterally by the cavernous sinuses, superiorly by the diaphragma sellae (dural fold), anteroinferiorly by the sphenoid sinus, and posteriorly by the pontine cistern. If you have empty sella syndrome, your sella turcica is … Reliability of … The Sellar spine was first described by Lang (1977). The real designation of the sella turcica, however, was introduced to the anatomical nomenclature by the anatomist Adrianus Spigelius (1578-1625) in … The sella turcica is a bony depression in the sphenoid bone. The shape and linear dimensions of the sella turcica are highly variable (Fig. The length of the fossa was more influenced by variations in the posterior measurement than in the anterior measurement. 35, No. Eventually it was recognized that tomograms added little to the diagnosis of microadenomas, although they were useful to better define such bony changes as sclerosis, bone destruction, and the presence of calcification. 4, 20 April 2013 | European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Vol. That line corresponds to the plane of the diaphragma sellae. However, in the first six weeks of life the anterior pituitary is bright as well on T1-weighted images in 82% [3]. 27, No. The depth measured perpendicular to the sella floor, from a line drawn between dorsum and tuberculum, should not exceed 13 mm in most cases. The pituitary gland normally sits within the sella. The name goes back to the Belgian anatomist and professor of anatomy and surgery Adriaan van den Spieghel (1578 - 1625). Sella Turcica – Upright Lateral 6. The two can be differentiated on imaging because the posterior lobe characteristically demonstrates increased T1 signal on unenhanced images, while the anterior lobe is isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. The dimensions of the sella turcica in normal, specimens were measured in the antero-posterior, vertical, and transverse directions. 42, No. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. It extends from the tuberculum sellae to the posterior clinoid processes and dorsum sellae and covers the sella turcica and pituitary gland within 1. It is divided into three fragments and consists of an anterior wall, a floor, and a posterior wall. There are five types of hormone-secreting pituitary tumours, named according to the cells that produce the particular hormone. Also, the floor of the sella turcica is normally well defined by a single cortical line. Anatomy. The sella is bordered laterally by the cavernous sinuses, superiorly by the diaphragma sellae (dural fold), anteroinferiorly by the sphenoid sinus, and posteriorly by the pontine cistern. From these he concluded that the length of the fossa reaches its maximum when the posterior measurement of the basis cranii is greatest, and varies directly with it. Aneurysms may demonstrate eggshell or other calcification patterns. The anterior boundary of the sella turcica is completed by two small eminences, one on either side, called the middle clinoid processes, while the posterior boundary is formed by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sellæ, ending at its superior angles in two tubercles, the posterior clinoid processes, the size and form of which vary considerably in different individuals. 5, 1 December 2011 | The Journal of Psychiatry & Law, Vol. 4, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. The sellar floor may become sclerotic in some cases of craniopharyngioma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma [1]. 39, No. Various shapes of the Sella Turcica The bony spine was 4.35 mm long and protruded from the dorsal side of the pituitary fossa into the fossa itself. It is usually larger in females than in males - in females the superior border tends to be convex, whereas in males it is usually concave. Focal erosion of the lateral margins secondary to an aneurysm, focal erosions of the floor by pituitary lesions, and selective erosion of the posteroinferior floor secondary to chronic increased intracranial pressure [3,4] are some of the more dependable findings. Other patients may develop an empty sella secondarily in response to pituitary surgery or radiotherapy for adenomas (Figs. 14, No. 32, No. Thin-section (1–2 mm), high-resolution, multidirectional tomography was initially expected to improve the sensitivity for diagnosis of pituitary lesions, particularly microadenomas. Eval. Head, Examined: Clarence Darrow's X-Ray Vision of Criminal Responsibility, Bridging of the sella turcica in skeletal Class III subjects, The morphology of the sella turcica in velocardiofacial syndrome suggests involvement of a neural crest developmental field, Morphology of the sella turcica in Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome with PITX2 mutation, Maxillary and Sella Turcica Morphology in NewbornsWith Cleft Lip and Palate, Incidental finding of an enlarged sella turcica on a lateral cephalogram, The Width of the Normal Pituitary Gland. An empty sella can be completely asymptomatic. These are only guidelines and sella turcica enlargement can only be used as a suggestion of pituitary abnormality and is certainly not sufficient for diagnosis. The various averages for these dimensions are given in Figure 1, under their respective headings. The normal width varies between 10 and 15 mm. ANATOMY. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base, Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base and Spine (Second Edition), Sharon E. Oberfield MD, ... Daniel Esten Hale MD, in, Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging (Second Edition), Schmidek and Sweet Operative Neurosurgical Techniques (Sixth Edition), Diagnostic Reference Index of Clinical Neurology (Second Edition), Enlarged sella resulting from expanded cavernous segment of the carotid artery; linear vascular calcification often is present, projecting over the enlarged sella on a lateral radiograph, Seen in children and young adults, this tumor may produce bone destruction of the sella; most lesions calcify; gliomas of the optic chiasm may cause similar changes, Appears as an enlarged sella without bone destruction or considerable deformity; the syndrome is believed to result from a congenital or acquired defect of the diaphragm sellae, which allows an intrasellar extension of the suprasellar arachnoid space; pulsations of the cerebrospinal fluid are thought to cause the sellar enlargement; the pituitary function typically is normal, Enlarged sella, uneven erosion of the floor, producing a “double-floor” appearance; pituitary tumors may be classified by size (a microadenoma is <1 cm and a macroadenoma is >1 cm in diameter) or by their appearance after staining; eosinophilic adenoma (causing acromegaly), chromophobe adenomas (causing hypopituitarism), and basophilic adenoma (causing Cushing disease) occur, Blumenbach clivus, representing the sloping surface of bone between the dorsum sellae and the foramen magnum (composed of the body of the sphenoid and pars basilaris of the occiput); the clivus is a target location for chordomas, which may secondarily involve the sella turcica from its posterior aspect; their appearance is marked by bone destruction and likely tumor matrix calcification; chordoma occurs most often in 30- to 60-year-old individuals, Associated with other conditions such as hydrocephalus, intracranial tumors, and edema; chronic increased intracranial pressure may manifest as erosion and deformity of the sella, resulting from downward pressure of an enlarged third ventricle, Arising from arachnoid and dura mater in the area of the diaphragma sellae, not within the pituitary fossa; meningioma appears with bone destruction and sclerosis; calcification is uncommon. Craniopharyngiomas and germ cell tumors are often associated with fat and/or calcification. While the shape and size of the sella turcica can vary slightly, depending on the person and the age, it is usually very easy to … • outpouching of the arachnoid protrudes through the central opening in the diaphragma into the sella turcica … It is the medial continuation of the superior roof of the cavernous sinus 2. 37, No. A wide range of normal exists, and this has been expanded with information gained from CT and MR. For instance, visualization of an “enlarged” empty sella in an asymptomatic patient indicates that sella turcica size alone is not a valid determinant of pituitary disease. Anatomy [edit | edit source]. Anterolateral to the gasserian ganglion, V3 (mandibular division of trigeminal nerve) exits through the foramen ovale. Thickening of the tuberculum or of the clinoid processes, and blistering of the planum sphenoidale have frequently been reported in association with meningiomas of the sella turcica. Sellar width is defined as the wid… Treatment entails supporting the patient and addressing any associated endocrine dysfunction present. The appearance of two cortical lines is known as a “double-floor” sign, suggesting osseous erosion of the floor by an expansile mass. The antero-posterior measurements were taken from the most dorsal point of the tuberculum sellæ in the sagittal plane to the anterior edge of the dorsum sellæ in the same plane. The cavernous sinus is made up of very thin walled veins that make up a venous plexus. It has three parts: Tuberculum sellae – forms the anterior wall of the sella turcica, and the posterior aspect of the chiasmatic groove. It lies in a small depression called the sella turcica which is Latin for “Turkish saddle”. The name reflects the anatomic shape of the saddle-like prominence on the upper surface of the sphenoid bone in the middle cranial fossa, above which sits the pituitary gland. 2 Anatomy of the Sellar and Parasellar Region Albert L. Rhoton Jr. These figures do not vary greatly from those obtained by other observers, and various discrepancies are probably due to the different methods of measurement elected. Walter Kucharczyk and Marieke Hazewinkel. In adults, the gland is slightly larger in females compared to males. The posterior lobe, neurohypophysis, is connected to the hypothalamus by the pituitary stalk and receives hormones from the hypothalamus via the pituitary stalk (i.e., antidiuretic hormone). The volume is the product of one-half length × width × height. Unfortunately this has not withstood the close scrutiny of subsequent carefully performed radiologic/pathologic/surgical studies [3,4]. Which scanning plane is best for evaluating the anatomical relationship between the pituitary and the sella turcica: A)transverse B) coronal C)sagittal D)oblique between transverse & sagittal A) from the pedicle of the vertebra above the disk to the pedicle of the vertebra below the disk On a coronal section through the brain the reference structure is the pituitary gland which lies in the sella turcica. Access to the sella… This review is based on a presentation given by Walter Kucharczyka and was adapted for the Radiology Assistant by Marieke Hazewinkel. The anterior cranial base or the Sella-Nasion (SN) line is often used by orthodontists as a reference line for assessment of dentofacial deformities. The sella turcica is a protruding bone of the sphenoid bone (sphenoid bone) at the inner base of the skull. The most common symptom reported by people with primary em… We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. 5. The sella turcica is a spherical depression in the superior surface of the sphenoid bone. The prevalence of pituitary metastasis in autopsy series of cancer patients ranges up to 26.7% with most reports quoting around 3–5%. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. In adults, the gland is slightly larger in females when compared to males. 2.1). The anterior lobe, adenohypophysis, forms about 75–80% of the gland and is a center for hormone synthesis, including thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and prolactin. In cancer patients, metastasis to the pituitary gland is more common than pituitary adenoma. He found the average length measurement of the fossa to be 1.16 cm. Fitzgerald also concluded that there was an inverse ratio between the length of the fossa and the anterior measurement of the base. Gross anatomy The diaphragma sellae consists of two horizontal leaves of dura mater on the sphenoid bone. The pituitary gland, sella turcica and the parasellar region can be involved by a wide variety of nonneoplastic tumor-like lesions as well as by numerous benign and malignant neoplasms. ; The anterior borders of the sella are formed by the anterior clinoid processes of the lesser sphenoid wing and the tuberculum sellae, while the posterior border is formed by the dorsum sellae. Subcranial Relationships The pituitary gland and sella are located in the cranial base below the center of the brain (Fig. Can be up to 9 mm.4 the gland tends to enlarge during puberty and.! Clinics of North America, Vol mandibular division of trigeminal nerve ) cistern contains the pituitary stalk is... And sella turcica anatomy cm., respectively nerve ) limited because they do not reflect... Of very thin walled veins that sella turcica anatomy up a venous plexus view.... With an empty sella syndrome ( Figs indicators of pathology of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging Second. 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