Poor results after baiting usually are due to improperly placed bait, failure to prebait, presence of green vegetation, or inactivity of a portion of the ground squirrel population. Ground squirrels are troublesome rodent pests for many home gardeners. Trade names for aluminum phosphide include Phostoxin™, Gastoxin™ and Fumitoxin™. It appeared “buffier” than the Uinta ground squirrels I see at Yellowstone and the Teton Valley (in this area, there are no Wyoming GS). Reach us toll free at 1-844-774-3284. When walking through suspected plague areas, apply an insect repellent to socks and pant cuffs before tucking pants inside boots. Breeding takes place one to four days after females emerge from hibernation. If transporting under 100 air miles, only a time record must be kept. Apply to CSU | The ground squirrels are back! The California ground squirrels, Otospermophilus beecheyi and Otospermophilus douglasii, are the most common species in and around homes and gardens.The two are usually not referred to as separate species, so in this publication they are referred to as “California ground squirrel” or simply “ground squirrel.” The designation allows the county Weed and Pest Control Districts to work with local landowners to develop management programs that may include cost-share agreements. Water – Place a hose in a hole, and flood the gopher or ground squirrel’s home. Apply bait only after all or most of the prebait is eaten, and only in areas where prebait is consumed. Carry shipping papers containing the following information: proper shipping name (aluminum phosphide), hazard class/division number (4.3), material identification number (UN1397), packing group designation (PG 1), subsidiary hazards (poison 6.1 inhalation hazard), and amount of product in quantity and total gross weight. Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. Most importantly, make sure the law in your area of residence allows for exotic pets to avoid trouble with animal control. If corn is used as bait, it should be cracked. Place no more than 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of bait per spot. Dogs and cats can in fact be very helpful in reducing ground squirrel populations. Ditrac Ground Squirrel Bait (For California Ground Squirrel Control) For Sale in Western States Only. Hacco’s Zinc Phosphide Oat Bait and Pellets™ do not have a seasonal use restriction. Baiting is most effective at two points during their annual cycle: early spring, or late June to early July. in Cheyenne, contact Animal Control (635-1453). If you have any questions, call Hazmat (Colorado State Patrol Hazardous Materials Section) at (303) 273-1900. Aluminum phosphide is classified as a flammable solid. The trap should fit directly over the entrance and not allow the squirrel to walk around the edge of the trap. According to University of California you can use anticoagulant baits (poison for rats and mice like JT Eaton blocks with Diphacinone) to control ground squirrels. They compete with livestock for forage and can destroy food crops. Wyoming ground squirrels prefer green foliage, such as grasses, but also eat forbs and shrubs. Weigh negative aspects of ripping, such as cost, against the potential benefits of slower recolonization and reduced frequency of rodenticide use. The tail is 3 to 5 inches long and tends to be bushy, particularly when the squirrrel is excited. Liphatech’s Ridall-Zinc™ is not registered for use on ornamentals and parks, and Bell’s ZP Rodent Bait AG™ and Hacco’s Zinc Phosphide Oat Bait and Pellets™ are not registered for use on non-crop rights-of-way. The Columbian Ground Squirrel is easily distinguished from other Montana ground squirrels by its larger size and distinctive coloration. Several alternatives are available for Wyoming ground squirrel management. Learn more about us or about our partners. Its fur is generally a brownish smoke-gray, with a dappled pattern of cinnamon-buff. ***Distribution Map: Armstrong, David M., James P. Fitzgerald, and Carron A. Meaney. Traps can be purchased or ordered at hardware stores. Positively identify the pest and determine all techniques that can be used to deter the pest such as habitat modification and exclusion. Zinc phosphide is a slow-acting toxicant that can be absorbed in small amounts through the skin. Ripping did not reduce ground squirrel numbers on sites where control was unsuccessful. Get it as soon as Wed, Jan 13. Carry a fire extinguisher with a rating of 10B:C. Prior to transporting aluminum phosphide, the driver must be satisfied that the vehicle is in safe operating order. The Wyoming ground squirrel used to be confined to northwest and central Colorado. ​Ground squirrels can be effectively controlled with the use of EPA registered poison baits or by live-trapping/relocation. Information pertaining to this inspection may be obtained by calling Hazmat at (303) 273-1900. Squirrels are known cannibals, but Prairie dogs do not eat these squirrels after killing them. *W.F. Richardson Ground Squirrel The Richardson Ground Squirrel, also known as the Wyoming Ground Squirrel, is sometimes called a gopher or a prairie gopher because of its strong resemblance to the gopher family. id … Use fumigants when additional control is required. As soon as green vegetation becomes available, bait is less accepted. Colorado: Denver Museum of Nature & Science and University Press of Colorado. Small, isolated colonies of Wyoming ground squirrels can be effectively controlled by shooting. Mix and apply only the quantity you need. Rodenticides are meant to kill rodent species but will also kill other animals if used improperly. When using fumigants, follow the label to minimize or eliminate affecting off-target species. Continue baiting until all feeding ceases, and you no longer see any squirrels. When the National Park Service surveyed wildlife, they identified these as Richardson’s ground squirrels. Bait after green vegetation is dry and dormant (sometime in June or July) but before squirrels disappear into their burrows to hibernate in late July to early August. The animals are not nearly as large as prairie dogs but are sometimes mistaken as such. Shooting lowers the population by removing individuals and disrupting their life cycle. Spermophilus elegans are also agricultural pests. Wyoming ground squirrel burrowing can damage hay fields, grasslands, golf courses, and lawns. Always know your target and beyond. Neogen 116352 Home Pest Control Products Ground Squirrel Bait, Green. Set realistic goals such as minimizing the rodent number on your property by using exclusion methods, eliminating desirable habitat or food sources. Diphacinone (Ramik Green™), strychnine, and 1080 grain baits are no longer legal for use on Wyoming ground squirrels in Colorado. The hydrogen phosphide gas produced by aluminum phosphide tablets is toxic to all forms of animal life. It is endemic to the Northwestern United States. are found in rocky areas from Colorado Springs west all the way up to timberline. High concentrations of Wyoming ground squirrels can pose a serious pest problem. Contact your local county Extension office through our County Office List. Do not place bait in the burrows because squirrels forage above ground and are wary of any food found in the burrow. Tomcat Ground Squirrel Bait is an effective bait for economical control of California Ground Squirrels around homes, buildings and other agricultural structures. Carefully follow current label directions. They are a solid, brownish gray color with a lighter belly. Fremont. More than our coyotes and raptors can control. They prefer sage brush, rangeland, and well drained soils. Score F - 20,000-200,000 km squared (about 8,000-80,000 square miles) Comment 33,334 square Kilometers from Natural Heritage Program range maps. Poison grain bait is the most practical method for controlling large numbers of Wyoming ground squirrels. Andelt, S.N. The goal is not to eliminate the entire population, but to keep the population under control. Choose the most effective, least toxic rodenticide to minimize potential non-target poisoning. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future. Hopper, consultant. Use of poison baits according to label directions usually results in an 80 to 90 percent reduction in Wyoming ground squirrel numbers. Call Now For The #1 Wyoming Squirrel Removal Company. Ground Squirrel. 2011. This includes name of person transporting, date, time started on duty, and time going off duty. The report should identify the vehicle and list any defects or deficiencies found. Predatory Animals If there is a problem dealing with a predatory species (coyote, skunk, raccoon, etc.) The species occupies areas from 5,000 feet to above timberline in the north central and northwestern sections of Colorado. Its head and body measure 10 to 12 inches in length. Once the fuse is burning well, gently slide the cartridge as far back into the burrow opening as possible. Males usually come above ground one to three weeks before the females. Several varieties of ground squirrels and their little cousins, chipmunks, are found locally. The wadded newspaper prevents the fumigant from being covered and may delay ground squirrels from digging out before the tablets activate. However, if there are other colonies of ground squirrels nearby, individuals from those populations will migrate into the area where squirrels are being removed. Water – Place a hose in a hole, and flood the gopher or ground squirrel’s home. Insert the sharp point part way and rotate it to loosen the contents so the cartridge will burn more rapidly. **S. Bokan, Small Acreage Coordinator Boulder County; K. Crumbaker, Ag and Natural Resources Agent Larimer County; T. Hoelsi, Extension County Director Grand County; D. Lester, Extension County Director Park County and I. Shonle, Extension County Director Gilpin County. Equal Opportunity | In brushy country, Wyoming ground squirrel burrows often are identified by a substantial pile of debris (sticks, rocks, sagebrush leaves) that covers the area downslope from the burrow entrance. Nutria and muskrat can be trapped during open season with a permit. Bell Laboratories’ ZP Rodent Bait AG™ is approved for use from July through December on rangelands but doesn’t have a seasonal restriction on other areas. This year's Ground Squirrel Round Up is March 29, 2003, Sponsored by the Greater Sur. Because product labels vary among manufacturers and change with time, carefully follow current product labels. Wear rubber gloves to avoid contact with the chemical. The smallest ground squirrel in the United States is the white-tailed antelope squirrel. It is also called a flickertail because it flicks its tail when giving a shrill whistle. Surviving squirrels from the first treatment sometimes become ill after eating bait. Expose affected people to fresh air and provide immediate medical attention. Badgers will only be drawn to your property if Wyoming ground squirrels are abundant. Wyoming ground squirrel on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (35103850926).jpg 3,283 × 2,646; 6.63 MB Wyoming ground squirrel on Seedskadee National … A 1-to-1 ratio usually means that females are active and baiting is appropriate. Disclaimer | Insert the number of tablets the label recommends as far back into the burrow as possible. Show Aliases. McGregor Mountain Lodge, Estes Park, Colorado. Scientific Name: Urocitellus elegans. Although few ground squirrels will die aboveground, you should pick up an… Unlike other burrowing animals, the Wyoming ground squirre… prise Valley Chamber of Commerce, phone for details (530)279-2001 or e-mail to: svcoc@hdo.net. Product labels vary among manufacturers and with time. It weighs 3 to 4 ounces only. Wyoming ground squirrels (along with other ground squirrel species) have the potential to host fleas that transmit bubonic plague and Colorado tick fever virus. If badger encounters persist, contact your local Colorado Parks & Wildlife officer and they may be able to help you relocate the badger. Ground Squirrel Characteristics. Methods of control must be in compliance with state laws and only live traps may be used outside of trapping season. Wherever you live, Extension’s job is to determine what issues, concerns and needs are unique to each community, and offer sound and effective solutions. The Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel: Controlling Damage. Broadcast bait in 20-foot swaths (this varies depending on the bait being used) using hand or ground-driven equipment. Utilizing natural predators of Wyoming ground squirrels is an easy management method. If there is a problem dealing with bats, contact the Wyoming Game and Fish Department Nongame Program at the Lander Regional Office 307-332-2688. Place bait (no more than 1 teaspoon per burrow) on the grass and allow it to fall to the ground. When dealing with any rodent problem, utilize all management techniques to resolve the problem and do not rely solely on rodenticides. No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned. Wyoming ground squirrels (Spermophilus elegans) are the least common ground squirrel in Nebraska and are found only in the southwestern Panhandle. Prebait with rolled oats, barley, or cracked corn at a rate of 4 pounds per acre two to four days prior to baiting. Bait for several days with the door wired open to get squirrels accustomed to visiting the trap and unafraid of it. are small, short-grass prairie animals that resemble a pale, slender chipmunk. 3.9 out of 5 stars 223. The ground squirrels are members of the squirrel family of rodents (), which generally live on or in the ground, rather than trees.The term is most often used for the medium-sized ground squirrels, as the larger ones are more commonly known as marmots (genus Marmota) or prairie dogs, while the smaller and less bushy-tailed ground squirrels tend to be known as chipmunks (genus Tamias). The squirrels enter their burrows in late July or early August and hibernate until the following March or April. Fumigants are most effective when used in moist soils in early spring. Range Extent. I'm in Wyoming and those are Wyoming Ground Squirrels. While most badgers prefer to remain out of sight and eat during the dark night hours, badgers have been known to attack people when threatened and with their medium size of 40-55 pounds (mature weight) should be considered dangerous with their “bad tempers” and fierce claws. Wyoming ground squirrels are important members of the ecosystems in which they live. Bait acceptance is high in June and July because Wyoming ground squirrels are eating to build fat reserves for winter. No need to register, buy now! Cats can be effective if quick and agile enough to catch a scurrying Wyoming ground squirrel. Predators of the Wyoming ground squirrels include bullsnakes, rattlesnakes, coyotes, foxes, badgers, weasels, bobcats and raptors. This NebGuide describes the physical characteristics, habits, management and control of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel. In non-crop areas, apply prebait and bait by hand near each active burrow or runway. Density of Wyoming ground squirrel populations can range from two squirrels per acre before young are born in the spring, to 20 or more animals per acre in early June when juveniles and adults are active. Prairie Dogs have a notorious reputation among ground squirrels. Ground squirrels; References A pale mutation in the ground squirrel: An Albinoid Color-phase in Citellus elegans Resembling the … At the end of the day that the material was transported, the driver must prepare a written inspection report. Observed in County(s) Bear Lake. Keep one copy in the vehicle until the next time an inspection report is required, and keep one copy at the driver’s place of business for at least three months from the date the report was prepared. Aluminum phosphide and gas cartridges are registered for use in Colorado. Scientific Name(s): Urocitellus elegans. The log book is a record of duty for the day, recorded in 15 minute intervals. Ground squirrels are hosts for fleas and may act as carriers for bubonic plague. They tend to kill Wyoming ground squirrels. Continue for one month or until vegetation turns green. Wooden snap-type rat traps and modified pocket gopher traps also can be used. 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