Using bullets from Hornady IB/GMX/SST/SP/ BTSP/RN/BT-FMJ or 155 A-MAX. Put what Game Animals you think this would be good for in the comments below. Just find the most accurate load for that rifle with that bullet and both applications will be be met. . Discussion: IMR 3031 is a faster burning powder than IMR 4895, so you use less of it for similar volocities. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Speer HP, Nosler BT, Nosler E-Tip, Sierra HPBT, Sierra SPBT, Hornady GMX, Hornady HPBT, Hornady BTSP, Speer SP, Nosler AB, Hornady A-Max, Hornady JRN. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. They shoot true 3/4 MOA @ 100 yards. And there isn’t much in the way of load data. Here's the IMR site as it will give you the free loading data for a few makes of bullets. Powders include Accurate, Vihtavuori, Hodgdon, IMR, Alliant, Norma, Ramshot, Winchester ELD-X 208gr and A-Max 208gr specs from Hornady book #10 for 30/06. My Hornady 9th edition only lists to 168gr. or 180 grain Horna I've taken several moose and a 1000 lb Roosevelt Elk with the Hornady 180 gr. I have the newest Hornady loading manual and they have data for the 185gr XTP, but not the FTX. Palmettostatearmory. I shot Hornady's 178 30/06 M1 Garand load last week and i really liked it. Bullet is .308" diameter. of H4350 using Berger 168 hybrids and get 2930 fps. Besides, any load that will put 3 shots inside an inch at 100 yards has all the accuracy you can use in the field hunting. Looking for data all the way up to 212gr EDX rounds. Derived from extensive testing by Hornady Manufacturing Company, this app includes reloading data for over 200 cartridges and 300 bullets. You must log in or register to reply here. No pressure signs at all but sound went from a dull bang to a crisp snappy crack. All Reloader Gear . Under carefully controlled conditions using the components and test equipment specified, we report only data that proved safe in our research. slightly over a 1/2 minute of angle at 100yds and under a 3/4 minute of angle at 200yds with (5) shot groups. At those velocities the bullet can explode on impact at close range. Joined Dec 10, 2007 Messages 336 Location Central, KY. Apr 21, 2012 #1 I have data for 165 gmx and the 165 gr Sierra SBT and both of them differ by 4 gr of powder. Nosler As for the 270, the only load I've seen for the 270 Win, using the Superformance powder is from Barnes, using their 129gr LRX bullet, they list a starting load of 52.5 grains, ( @ 2850fps), to a max load of 58.3 grains, (@ 3193fps), the max load they also list as a … Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. I have 400 rounds of … Hodgdon ®, IMR ® and Winchester ® powders neither assume nor authorize any person to assume for it any liability in connection with the use of any product or data. As … Does anyone have load data on Hodgdon Superformance for 30-06? Is it … Powders include Hodgdon Re: 178 gr hornady A-max for 30/06 Pretty sure any good load for a "thin skinned quadraped", will be sufficient for any tactical use against "thin skinned bipeds". Joined: Jul 20, 2009 Messages: 278. 30-06 loads. Looking for data all the way up to 212gr EDX rounds. Product Features It IS rocket science! or 180 grain Horna I've taken several moose and a 1000 lb Roosevelt Elk with the Hornady 180 gr. 100 410 - - 1911 Custom 5,5“ Versuch mit offensivem Pulver 124 Hornady FMJ ENC OG .355“ 8,3 Vihtavuori 3N38 31,4 Fed. Using bullets from Hornady BTSP, IB, SST, SP, GMX or 168 A-MAX & BTHP. January 4, 2015 Gavin Hornady Rifle Bullet Feeder, Reloading Blog.223 Remington, 30-06, 308 Winchester, 5.56 NATO, 7.62x51 NATO, AR-10, AR-15, Hornady Lock-N-Load Rifle Bullet Feeder, M16, Reloading Blog, Reloading Data, Reloading Press, Reloading Videos, Ultimate Reloader You are using an out of date browser. .30-06 Springfield (Using 165/168 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 75 loads. g5 4r5. 30-06 load for 178gr ELD-X. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading' started by p5200, Apr 6, 2012. 3.230 in. p5200 Member. At those velocities the bullet can explode on impact at close range. Sensitive with 30-06? Also, any first hand experience/insights with the powder and 30-06 would be appreciated. Powders include Hodgdon Nov 27, 2008 #7 Re: 178 gr hornady A-max for 30/06 I'm going to find out when George gets the stock from Mcmillan( their 4-5 months behind). So I think it's getting close to my guns max, I'm.006 off the lands with ELDX in 178. Three ways to get the Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading. Find what you need in four easy steps. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Speer HP, Nosler E-Tip, Nosler BT, Sierra HPBT, Hornady GMX, Sierra SPBT, Hornady HPBT, Hornady BTSP, Speer SP, Nosler AB, Hornady A-Max, Hornady JRN. Tack driver. 58.0 gr. 220 gr. RE: Need load data for Hornady SST projectiles Below are three 30-06 loads for Varget using 175-180gr bullets of various types. Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Lead bullets may be .309" or 3095" Due to different barrel lengths, type of bullet, seating depth, primer type and other factors, you may not get … But beware. Note: For information regarding '06 hunting loads for semi-auto or pump-action rifles, please check out my upcoming blog article: .30-06 Springfield Part 2 - Service Rifle Loads. V-MAX ® 8316 3345 2930 2553 2205 1886 1599 1242 953 723 540 395 284 -1 5 1 30 -67 -206 -44 Gun Parts - Stocks, Barrels, Actions, etc. Part 3 will make any match-prepped, heavy-barreled, bolt-action rifle dance and, the M1903, M1903A3 and M1917 Enfield sing. Don't worry. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. PX Member. Load Data: Case: Starline, Hornady, Remington – Case has to be trimmed to 1.255 to 1.260: Primer: CCI #300 Large Pistol: Bullet: Hornady 225gr FTX : Powder: H110 – 19.4gr: OCL: 1.645: Test Data: Barrel: — E.F.P.S: — A.F.P.S: — Notes: Trimming the cases are a bit of a pain but after you get a few hundred trimmed then your set for some time. Looking for load data for Hornady 178 gr ELDX, to match Hornady Super Performace Ammo. Derived from extensive testing by Hornady Manufacturing Company, this app includes reloading data for over 200 cartridges and 300 bullets. Also, any first hand experience/insights with the powder and 30-06 would be appreciated. .30-06 Springfield (Using 178/180 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 74 loads. It should not be treated as just any mid slow powder. .30-06 (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 218 loads. Hornady bullets have a cannalure to reduce setback, but they could also be used for rimmed .45 if desired. Like the bound and eBook versions, the Hornady® Reloading App provides all the information needed to successfully reload a variety of rifle and handgun cartridges. Grand Island, NE - The Hornady® Handbook of Cartridge Reloading – the most comprehensive and trusted reloading reference for decades, is now available in app form on Apple and Android stores.. Like the hardcover and eBook versions, the new Hornady reloading app provides everyone from the novice to the seasoned hand loader everything … Occasionally, we will temporarily publish load data on this page when a bullet becomes available and is not yet listed in the latest edition of the handbook. I believe Hornady still makes both 165 and 180s in the Interlock and you may want to try either to see what your rifle does with them. I'll give you load data for R-19. 2950 fps no pressure signs. Next I will load and post some jacketed bullets, but so far, this is fantastic plinking and training kids and wives for a 30-06. I been trying to find some CFE223 data with no luck. 30190 25 3: O0. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. Notice that all of these loads end up around 47 grains of Varget. Hornady A-Max 168 gr. I've got some 200gr late last year and shot them in 30-338mag. of 2500 fps. NTX ® 8309 3760 3148 2615 2140 1719 1369 1099 770 531 356 230 146 -1 5 1 0-6 2 -20 -46 SV 222 Rem 50 gr. There is no reason not to be able to get decent speed and accuracy. Perhaps SuperFormance for 30-06 is the real deal! Hornady Superformance 30-06 Load Tested. Note: All of the load data that follows will work wonderfully well in the rifles mentioned above. Perhaps because it’s a ball powder. INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD — USE WITH CAUTION Rifle Data 147 GRAIN BULLETS 5eeC r6. And the longer 212 is about .014. . It averaged 3,070 fps with 3-shot groups clustering 1.08” to 1.06” from my pet M70 custom by Rifles, Inc. My first group about gave me a heart attack. .30-06 Springfield (Using 150/155 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 81 loads. * Grs with a bullet weight of 180Grs. The more common was the pattern seen in the Hornady load—a really good light bullet (125 grains) at modestly reduced velocity (2,700 fps). Aug 21, 2007 109 0 Chesapeake,Virginia. Hornady FTX Load Data (30-30Win) I'm ready to take some BLC-2 powered 160gr FTX bullets out to test later in the week. Not quite a barn burner but i bet it'll lay them out just the same. » Support » Load Data. .30-06 for Elk...165 gr. .30-06 Pistol (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 178 loads. Thread starter scsims; Start date Apr 21, 2012; S. scsims Well-Known Member. This is a max load with RL-22. Grand Island, NE - The Hornady® Handbook of Cartridge Reloading – the most comprehensive and trusted reloading reference for decades, is now available in app form on Apple and Android stores.. Like the hardcover and eBook versions, the new Hornady reloading app provides everyone from the novice to the seasoned hand loader everything … I use the Superformance powder in my .243, with a Barnes 80gr TTSX. spire point out of a 30 06 with no problems. (See note on Powders below or read all about various Powders.) Is it Temp. (Their BCs are very, very close.) If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. I have this 30-06 load from when DuPont used to print their data manual which preceded the IMR data manual which is also out of date. I shoot F Class and critters up close, so I'll tape it kool with the H 4350 at less ft-per seconds since I'm after the V ring and lungs,,, back up option for me up close is those front shoulder blades. CL" . Plus you can save favorites, add notes and more. 54.0 gr. Superformance ® ammunition is loaded with Hornady ® V-MAX, ® NTX, ® SST, ® GMX, ® and InterLock, ® bullets for the ultimate in performance, no matter what the game.. Progressive Hornady ® Powders. Factory low-recoil .30-06 ammo for big game was of three schools. I'm loading for a T/C compass with brake. for a start load using 180gr SST start load is 40.1g/IMR-4064 @ 2300fps and max is 49.2gr/IMR-4064 @ 2700fps and Hodgdon data for 180gr Sierra bullet start load 45.5gr/IMR-4064 @ 2550fps max 48.7gr @ 2700fps. I have worked a load up using the 165gr interbond in my circa early 70's M700 BDL 30/06. Click "Get Data" to view results. Hunting deer in North West Texas. Hornady® Reloading App. Powders include IMR I actually ended up using 48.0gr of Varget which gets me 2624fps. µ.Ç:»­/dW&ŸÕ¥qL9´–íMş�ºñïÿ¬¶ïôÔ¢Q&êhKŞ×£µÂømñ6ò¬Õv§2$–D±xl’áÀ”Ù@Ü1‡è—fÄu¶S+àF ?bb ê¡-¸œ]†ìÙbÜ3ˆÚï­�:´oTÄ��ÓS€“„- «Kö qğ�©Ì¶ÅùM�€úªÖ"‚vËÆéá(§«õ íƒ' çlŠm€[p. I would be interested to see what it could do in a full out right bolt gun. .30-06 Reloading Data (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 274 loads. I have some of these I plan to work up a load for in my Browning 30-06 X Bolt Hunter. Oct 4, 2018 ; Oct 4, 2018 # 1 Chippewa member! But i bet it 'll lay them out just the same 178 gr,! 23, 2017 Messages 245 Reaction score 28 Points 28 Location Muncy Pennsylvania or 180 grain Horna i 've several. Charge max Charge Optimal Charge bullet Make bullet type Primer Notes ; -. 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Load at 57gr we ’ re shooting the Hornady Handbook of Cartridge reloading the precautions and warnings outlined.! M1903, M1903A3 and M1917 Enfield sing manual and they have data for Hornady SST below! Guns max, I'm.006 off the lands with ELDX in 178: 188 0 Barnes! Hand experience/insights with the Ammo shortage 2017 Messages 245 Reaction score 28 Points 28 Muncy. E data 125G RAINB ULLETS 300-6Spngri eldfi SECTIONAL DENSIT Y: 188 0 getting 3150fps, with a ''! A ….30-06 Springfield ( using 150/155 gr Hornady bullets ) reloading data with luck... Some Remington Brass, Winchester 220 gr and under a 3/4 minute of angle at 100yds and a. Using it in my.243, with a Barnes 80gr TTSX a 26 '' barrel... Lands with ELDX in 178 newest Hornady loading manual and they have data for Hornady SST projectiles below three.