These, however, may have borne little resemblance to C later conceptions of the same gods with which we are made Egl siliar by the Pyramid texts. In Scotland, even as late as the reign of James VI., lords of parliament were always created bannerets as well as barons at their investiture, " part of the ceremony consisting in the display of a banner, and such ` barones majores ' were thereby entitled to the privilege of having one borne by a retainer before them to the field of a quadrilateral form.". The ovary contains one or more ovules borne on a placenta, which is generally some part of the ovary-wall. It must always be borne in mind that the formulae for the ultimate strength of the " I " beams only hold good when the upper chord or flange is supported laterally. His argument, however, rests on an assumption which we are apt to bring with us to the reading of the Iliad, but which is not borne out by its language, viz. The flowers are borne in long pendulous racemes, and the two wings of the fruit are ascending. The conviction was borne in upon him that scientific explanation could never do more than systematize and classify the mass of appearances which to our habit-blinded eyes seem to be the reality. Like the teraphim it was part of the common stock of Hebrew cult; it is borne (rather than worn) by persons acting in a priestly character (Samuel at Shiloh, priests of Nob, David), it is part of the worship of individuals (Gideon at Ophrah), and is found in a private shrine with a lay attendant (Micah; Judg. At intermediate stations the roofs are often carried on brackets fixed to the walls of the station buildings, and project only to the edge of the platforms. Examples of how to use “foodborne” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Cecile has borne Ferronaire two children, Marcel and his sister Marie. But in England, France and Germany persecution altogether failed to shake the courage of the Jews, and martyrdom was borne in preference to ostensible apostasy. But certain considerations should be borne in mind in this connexion. irp€Q/3(TEpos, elder, the comparative of irpEoj3vs, an old man), the title borne from very early times by certain officers or ministers of the Christian Church intermediate between "bishops" and "deacons.". He and Pierre were borne along lightly and joyously, nearer and nearer to their goal. 18,23), and it is far from certain that the later records of the ark (which was too heavy to be borne by one), like those of the ephod, are valid for earlier times. From the end of the 16th century the inheritors of the Hussite tradition in Bohemia were included in the more general name of "Protestants" borne by the adherents of the Reformation. ", the child replied, "for thou hast borne upon thy back the world and him who created it!". (7) Many a flower is born to blush unseen. For fully half the year the cottages of its villages are damp with the haar, or dense mist, borne on the east wind from the North Sea. 9. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Shortly after he entered Attica plague broke out in Athens, borne thither by traders from Carthage or Egypt (Holm, Greek History, ii. Conidia (basidiospores) borne in fours on a special conidiophore, the basidium. And, when the whole facts are borne in mind, there can be no reasonable doubt that the Mendelian principles offer an intelligible solution of the problem. On the other hand, the climates of the east are dry, because the surface is lower and more level; and the breezes borne thither from the west, being robbed of most of their superabundant moisture in crossing the western hills, are drier and precipitate a greatly diminished rainfall. (5) No one (or man) is born wise or learned. They reaped no fruits from the victory, and Cyprus was taken from her after the heroic defence of Famagusta by Bragadino, who was flayed alive, and his skin, stuffed with straw, borne in triumph to Constantinople. - Sinbad the Sailor (1947 film) It also transpires that Julia Darbyshire had borne David a son soon after moving to America. You can get sick from eating poorly cooked food because it can carry harmful bacteria. The expenses of this very interesting venture were borne entirely by Morris, but after the issue of No. HYRCANUS ('Tprcavos), a Greek surname, of unknown origin, borne by several Jews of the Maccabaean period. The flowers, which appear in March and April, are borne on pendulous hairy catkins, 2 -3 in. 4. All pretence of moderation was put aside, and he marched on London, using the full arms of England, and with his sword borne upright before him. Prof. Kayser suggests that there was also a Pacific basin more extensive than at present; this is borne out by the similarity between the Cambrian faunas of China, Siberia and Argentina. This Indo - Aryan origin for the Australian blackfellows is borne out by their physique. He had with consummate ability exposed the terrors of 2 This is borne out by the register of his birth and baptism, and by words in his last letter to his wife, - "I die at thirty-four.". Borne through dirty drinking water, giardia is a deadly parasite that can kill its victims. Thus he was conveyed to Taenarum, whence he proceeded to Corinth, arriving before the ship from Tarentum. The lime trees, species of Tilia, are familiar timber trees with sweet-scented, honeyed flowers, which are borne on a common peduncle proceeding from the middle of a long bract. In 18 3 a select committee of the House of Commons went into the whole subject of secondary punishment and reported that, as the difficulties in the way of an effective classification of prisoners were insurmountable, they were strongly in favour of the confinement of prisoners in separate cells, recommending that the whole of the prisons should be altered accordingly and the expense borne by the public exchequer. However, it contains only one independent clause. And, further, this matter seems to belong to the same cycle of tradition as the story of Pilate's wife and his throwing the guilt of the Crucifixion of Jesus upon the Jews, and the testimony borne by the Roman guard (as well as the centurion) who kept watch by the cross (xxvii. Tithe rent charge under these acts is subject to the same liabilities and incidents as tithes, such as parliamentary, parochial, county and other rates, especially the poor rate and highway rate; but the owner of tithe rent charge attached to a benefice has been exempted by an act of 1899 from payment of half the amount of any rate which he would be liable to pay under the Agricultural Rates Act 1896, the other half being borne by the Inland Revenue Commissioners. The main points in the general conclusions of these chapters have been borne out by subsequent research. The chief point to be borne in mind in making these mixtures is not to combine in the same compost any bodies that are antagonistic in their nature, as for example lime and ammonia. In considering, however, the subsequent disorders and wars, it must be borne in mind that they affected only individual portions of the empire, and only on isolated occasions involved more extensive areas in long and serious strife. (i) The double aspect of an area should be borne in mind; i.e. 2. The flowers are borne in enormous fleshy spadices, the male and female on distinct plants. Born In A Sentence Definition of Born Having from birth (or as if from birth) a certain quality or character; innate; inherited. The hope of Zion is in future restoration after she has patiently borne the chastisement of her sins. By these means the benches of the galleys were filled, and Colbert took no thought of the long unrelieved agony borne by those who filled them. The baldacchino, with sculptures of the 12th or early 13th century, is borne by four ancient columns of porphyry, with 9th-century capitals. 22 February 2020 inasentence. It must be borne in mind that the marks thus earned may be forfeited at any time by misconduct, but affect remission to this extent only. As we have borne the image. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. His infatuation for Kunigunde of Eisenberg caused his wife to leave him, a.nd after her death in 1270 he married Kunigunde, who had already borne him a son, Apitz or Albert. Lastly, the scolex of the more familiar Taeniidae (Tetracotylea) carries a rostellum encircled with hooks and four cup-shaped suckers the margins of which do not project beyond the surface of the body. The burden on likes is cheerfully borne. This situation did not arise because of some hypothetical "anti-U. When it is borne in mind that the Dutch at the Cape were for one hundred and forty-three years under the rule of the Dutch East India Company, the importance of a correct appreciation of the nature of that rule to any student of South African history is obvious. These complex organs have apparently arisen by the increase in depth and differentiation of an accessory sucker such as is borne on the phyllidia of the former group. In Scotland the title of justiciar was borne, under the earlier kings, by two high officials, one having his jurisdiction to the north, the other to the south of the Forth. The title of vizier was borne by six or seven persons simultaneously; the grand vizier was the chief of these and exercised supreme authority, being invested with the sultan's signet. Siebeck would reduce it within very small dimensions, but this is not borne out by the concise history found at Herculaneum (Index herc., ed. How has he borne it all? borne in a sentence. Essex (Letter to Sir Philip Stapleton, Rushworth Collection) calls him "an honest, judicious and stout man," an estimate of Deane borne out by Clarendon's "bold and excellent officer" (book xiv. The tide of strict construction was setting in strongly in his state, and he was borne along with the flood. She was borne up to the ambulance. The Zika virus is thought to be borne through mosquitoes that carry the disease. The Zika virus is thought to be borne through mosquitoes that carry the disease. Pulmonata with two pairs of tentacles, except Janellidae and Vertigo; these tentacles are invaginable, and the eyes are borne on the summits of the posterior pair. However, they belong respectively to two different forms in the life-history of the plants; the leaves of the mosses are borne by the gametophyte, those of the club-mosses by the sporophyte. To the otherwise unfinished brick façade a portal borne by marble columns was added in 1843. When Governor Andros and his Council in 1687 issued an order for levying a tax, a special town meeting of Ipswich promptly voted "that the s'd act doth infringe their Liberty as Free borne English subjects of His Majestic by interfearing with ye statutory Laws of the Land, By which it is enacted that no taxes shall be levied on ye Subjects without consent of an assembly chosen by ye Freeholders for assessing the same," and refused to assess the tax. lord of the treasury"), sometimes mere dignity, as in the case of the title of honour borne by all descendants of the Prophet, or of the title Mir assumed by men of great rank in the Far East. In GY~~1NospERMsso-called because the ovules (and seeds) are borne on an open sporophyll or carpelthe microsporophylls and macrosporophylls are not as a rule associated in the same shoot and are generally arranged in cone-like structures; one or two small prothallial cells are formed in the germination of the microspore; the male cells are in some older members of the group motile though usually passive. I was born in August. borne is an adjective which means to carry, or to transport. It is, however, still borne by the Lutheran bishop of Upsala, who is metropolitan of Sweden, and by the Lutheran bishop of tkbo in Finland. On early Greek vases he is represented as borne through the air; this is the sun making his way to his place of departure in the west. Since the plebeian element in the state had an immense numerical preponderance over the patrician these disabilities were not widely spread, and seem generally to have been cheerfully borne as the price of belonging to the families still recognized as the oldest and noblest in Rome. Thus the title was borne by Pietro della Vigna, the all-powerful minister of the emperor Frederick II., king of Sicily. The old religious exclusiveness had already been greatly lessened: the clergy were less powerful, heresy had thrived under repression, Anglican churchmen had come to the colony and were borne with perforce, devotion to trade and commerce had weakened theological tests in favour of ideals of mere good order and prosperity, and a spirit of toleration had grown. The gills, borne on four arches, are internal and enclosed in the branchial chambers. She was borne away by an impulse. This cannot be borne, sers. The boy died in 1553, and Joachim, who had up to this time borne the title of sieur de Lire, became seigneur of Gonnor. Genoa and Venice, the term was applied to the hereditary aristocracy (patrizio), and in the free cities of the German Empire it was borne by distinguished citizens (patrizier). Paired erectile plates (patagia) are borne on the prothorax in moths, while in moths, sawflies, wasps, bees and other insects there are small plates (tegulae) - see Fig. The blossoms of the peach are formed the autumn previous to their expansion, and this fact, together with the peculiarities of their form and position, requires to be borne in mind by the gardener in his pruning and training operations. Borne in anno 1581, dyed aged 73, makes 1654 the yeare when he dyed. Great part of the burden has been borne throughout by the "City Extension Fund," realized from the utilization of the ground formerly occupied by the fortifications and glacis. The possibility of these phenomena should be borne in mind when attempts are made to interpret the structure of crystalline bodies in terms of the theory of equilibrium. 6. Charles had previously contracted a union, probably of an irregular nature, with a Frankish lady named Himiltrude, who had borne him a son Pippin, the " Hunchback.". Only Jonny's was a high borne of blood and sex. . He was born in November. At larger stations where both the platforms and the tracks are covered in, there are two broad types of construction, with many intermediate variations: the roof may either be comparatively low, of the " ridge and furrow " pattern, borne on a number of rows of pillars, or it may consist of a single lofty span extending clear across the area from the side walls. See borne used in context: 50 poetry verses, 75 Shakespeare works, 27 Bible passages, 57 definitions On the 8th February the body of Nelson was borne with great pomp from the Admiralty to St Paul's Cathedral, where it was interred in the presence of the prince of Wales and the royal dukes. D.s. The title archduke (or archduchess) is now borne by all members of the Austrian imperial house. This, new system of Warmings, whilst probably too involved Cl ~er to come into general use, must be taken as superseding his der one;1 and perhaps the best course open to botanists is to dect such terms as appear to be helpful, and to use the selected I rrms in a general kind of way and without demanding any prese definitions of them: it must also be borne in mind that the g Ibid. "Had I borne the whole world on my back," he said, "it could not have weighed heavier than thou! - In the early days of the decipherment of the cuneiform inscriptions, the reading of the proper names borne by Babylonians and Assyrians occasioned great difficulties; and though most of these difficulties have been overcome and there is general agreement among scholars as to the principles underlying both the formation and the pronunciation of the thousands of names that we encounter in historical records, business documents, votive inscriptions and literary productions, differences, though mostly of a minor character, still remain. His family has been variously conjectured, on the strength of the proper names which its members are stated to have borne, to have been Teutonic or Slavonic. That these were conscious of their Aryan origin is proved by the names Ariantas and Ariapeithes borne by Scythian (Scolot) kings (Herod, iv. 8r - is borne witness to by Pausanias's mention of the bronze temple of Athena X aXKioucos in Sparta, and the bronze chamber dedicated to Myron in 648 B.C., as well as by the discovery of the stains and bronze nails, which show that the whole interior of the so-called treasury of Atreus at Mycenae was once covered with a lining of bronze plates. It should be borne in mind that in census years, when comparison can be made, the two sets of statistics often vary considerably. In the great majority of cases there can be no doubt whatever whether a piece first saw the light in Mecca or in Medina; and for the most part the internal evidence is borne out by Moslem tradition. Besides peritheca the members of the Erysiphaceae possess conidia borne in simple chains. During his journey of pacification, Faustina, who had borne him eleven children, died. speed to 60 fathoms for 20 knots, the pull of the line and rotator is borne by coned rollers, having their outlines tapering to a common point in their rotation, thus giving a broad rolling surface. We can only conclude that it depends on wave form, a conclusion fully borne out by investigation. The first leaves borne on the seedling axis are often scalelike, and these are followed by two or more larger laminae, which foreshadow the pinnae of the adult frond. Amenemhe, the name of the founder of the XIIth dynasty, was compounded with that of Amun and was borne by three of his successors. Unlike the army, which is purely colonial, the navy in Netherlands India is partly colonial, partly belonging to the royal navy of the Netherlands, and its expenses are therefore borne partly by the mother country and partly by the colony. It has to be borne in mind that Linnaeus, plainly as he recognized the likeness of the higher simian and the human types, does not seem to have entertained the thought of accounting for this similarity by common descent. The American railways aggregate approximately ten times the length of the British lines; but in train miles the difference is far less. I was born and brought up in Matsuyama. subsequently conferred on Charlemagne at his coronation, and borne, as we gather from medieval documents, indiscriminately, not only by subsequent emperors, but also by a long line of Burgundian rulers and minor princes of the middle ages generally.'. I am glad I was not born before tea. "A lytil tale Set herd I tel, Pat in to my tyme befel, of a gudman, in murrefe [Moray] borne in elgyne [Elgin], and his kine beforne, and callit was a faithful man vith al Jame fat hyme knew than; fis mare trastely I say, for I kend hyme weile mony day. 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