It can happen to you or me. Wiggle all ten toes! Hoo-hoo-hoo! (They were all sneezing.). We're the Wiggles! The Wiggles' family crest. (Cuts to scene at the Magic Club) Announcer: and all the magic! Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. (A sparkle glitter transition to Murray looks at his watch and tells everyone to go in the house to watch our show.). Anthony: Hiya, Dorothy. Choo Choo Trains, Propeller Planes & Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car! Ha ha! I wonder what's inside. Oh, I hope my special guest likes the special food I've prepared. ), Greg: (singing) Let's shake our hips with Wags the Dog, Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dog, Point them down once you've got them there, Skip along like Wags would do it, dancing with Wags The dog. That oughta teach you 3 Wiggles." Register Start a Wiki. Dorothy (Would You Like To Dance?) Greg: (singing) This is Captain, Henry and Wags too. Dorothy: That’s true. What great food! Anthony: Oh, why, thank you. Ruff. D&D Beyond (with Murray & Anthony.) (herself.) Murray: He's going to make something appear. Bucket Of Dew/Paddy Condon From Cobar 7. Transcript (The video starts where the Wiggles are introduced themselves. Until, a magic hat transition to Greg announcing magic.). Come with us and see. Ouch! Anthony: And you know why you can't do that trick, Greg? (Laughs at the rabbits). Good. Murray: And look at all the little ones. Evil and musical. Anthony: Right you are, Murray. (herself.) We share each other’s homes, don’t we? We're The Wiggles! Together we're the Wiggles. Now you know who knocked on your front door. wiggle along with me, that's right, wiggle along with me! ("Flying In My Colors" begins to start, and Moxy Green and Phillip look down surprised on how to get down from the Cloud Clipper, then Shirley uses a rainbow to make a slide.) I'm going to make something appear! Greg: Merry Christmas, everyone. It is fun for the whole family! Murray: Well, sometimes moms can be bigger than dads. (He imagines being a baby in the crib on the dockyard with a baby laughing sound effect. The Wiggles start dancing with Wags could do the actions. Anthony Wiggle: And i'm Anthony. (slide down the rainbow) Wheeee! Anthony: (Laughs) Yeah. Transcript (A scene translates to Murray looks at his watch and tells everyone to go in the house to watch our show.) (He's wiggling his fingers) Anthony! Recently Changed Pages. Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, Dorothy. Oooh. (Laughs) Oh, keep waggling! Wiki Content . There's blue, purple, yellow and red. This is the transcript for Santa's Rockin'! This is the transcript for Family. Cecil: Wally.Wally.Wally. "That was a very long time ago." And which ones are the dad clouds? Modern Family/The Wiggles; Mr. Men/The Wiggles; Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)/The Wiggles; N Nick Jr./The Wiggles; Nicktoons and TV/The Wiggles; Nintendo's The Wiggles Movie ; Noddy's Toyland Adventures/The Wiggles; O Olivia/The Wiggles; Oobi/The Wiggles; Over The Hedge/The Wiggles; P Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures/The Wiggles; Pan (2015)/The Wiggles; Papa Louie/The Wiggles; PAW … "6 years old?!?" Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (They're were all back into the Wigglehouse. Wags! Murray: But, Jeff doesn't need any help. Greg: Yeah, families and friends are very important. He talks in a baby accent. A scene where Greg is on a hill. Murray: (He's holding a book.) Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Transcripts Wiki. Jeff: Oh, I guess they can. I'm Emma. (The Waggettes stand back up on the floor and runs away. Anthony: Hey, look! The rabbit will think. Murray: Sorry, Flora, we haven't got time right now. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Dorothy: Yes. We'll sing a song for you. (opens the door and sees The Wiggles, Anthony, Murray, Jeff and Greg, Captain Feathersword, Henry the Octopus and Wags the Dog and giggles). My nose has a cramp. I've got a present! ), Anthony: We can visit each other whenever we like. Wags! Anthony: Even if it means missing your favourite TV program. you'd better help him inside. Lead the way! So, don't forget to tell them that you... (Then they all wave goodbye until the pictures are slowly floating in the sky). ), (A TV transition to the Song: Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking?). Anthony: Well, uh, can you stick your front teeth out like this? (2002-2003), Series 7 (Ready, Steady, Wiggle!) I'm Emma. They were say, "Whew!" Greg: Yeah, we don't want to miss our TV program. Jellyfish: We're sorry, Henry. You just have to be patient. Lachy: I'm Lachy. Oh! (They were all wiggling their fingers.) Anthony: (In a blue rabbit voice) I was only kidding, Greg! There's blue, purple, yellow and red. Jeff is part of your family. Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world. Transcript Scene 1: Introduction. It's coming! Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. CGI Dorothy transition. (They both tickle myself to your body) Oooh, Wags me hearty. A baby Feathersword! Captain Feathersword: And one of my best friends is right here. (with Murray & … Anthony: I b... we'd better h-hurry out of here! "Let's go inside and watch it!" You're my best friend! Oh no! Tickle your toes! Let's hurry, guys. Greg: Okay. Jellyfish #2: We always look after each other. I wonder what's inside. (Greg & Murray laughs & Anthony arrives. Anthony: (The song title sparkle glitter appears called: ABC .) Hello, Flora. Announcer: all the excitement, Dorothy: (Gasps) The magic wand, It's gone! (S.S. Feathersword Transition to the song: Get Ready To Wiggle), (Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.). Murray: Well... which ones are the mom clouds? (The Big Red Car zooms backwards fast then zooms forwards leaving Sandlot) Wiggles: Whoa! Stand still me waggy hearty, so I can give you a hug! Greg: Yeah, we're right behind you. Greg: (Sighs) Oh boy. I have rosalini pasta... Dorothy: ..wrinkly rose petal biscuits... Dorothy: ..and a big pot of rosy-posy-cosy-wosy tea! you may be the great-grandson of (pointing up at a portrait behind him.) Emma: And we're about to sing and dance to some of Mother Goose's favorite nursery rhymes. We believe in your rabbit." A family crest is like a badge that tells people who you are. Murray: (In a red rabbit voice) Yeah! Anthony: Hey, look! Greg Wiggle: We're about to watch "The Wiggles Movie". (They bark until Wags walks to the slide and whines) Let me give it a go. Come on out so we can have a nice chat. Greg: So that means that whatever's inside the box belongs to The Wiggles. Flora Door: (They're walked into our house while Jeff's snoring with some Z's. (He laughs again with the sword to tickle your toes) Oh! Murray: I love the disappearing ball trick! Video Transcript. All: Wake Up Jeff! Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world. And this is how the Wiggly Family began a long time ago in the Wiggles World. I see! THE SEVILLES: We're the wiggles. ), Hot Potatoes! Greg: (singing) Is it Murray with his red guitar? That's what happened. ), (The Wiggles laugh & Captain Feathersword with a bee arrive coming behind in the distance of the hill. Murray Wiggle: I'm Murray. I see. SIMON: And I'm Anthony. Now I can tickle my tummy... (He laughs to tickle my sword) ..and tickle my toes at the same time! Seven seas! I miss my mommy and daddy. Jeff: Those are The Wiggles family colours! Simon: I'm Simon. (Camera transitions to Dorothy's foot on tricycle petal. Anthony: Waggle your ears and wiggle your nose. Anthony: (Scoffs) You know, you can't do that trick, Greg? Greg: Well, I'm not going to do that one. Dorothy: And we have sleepovers, too. Greg: And families should always help one another. Give me a chance. WAKE UP, JEFF!!!!! Captain Feathersword: Hee-hee! Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. Dorothy: I'll open my door and see who it is. We Like To Say Hello 2. The Best of The Wiggles (2014). Dorothy is on the left side giggling and the door is on the right side.). But you've never made a rabbit appear. A family crest is like a badge that tells people who you are. Good. I'm having lots of fun. Anthony: But I already have a happy home and a family -- uh, Greg, Jeff, and Murray. Simon: I'm Simon. Then Wags walks around the slide until they move my feet) Let me see. Murray: Hey, Greg, are you going to do the disappearing ball trick? The weather? (The episode starts with a song: In The Wiggles' World) (An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.) You might like to ask mom or dad or grown up to use their phone and you can video chat with your friends or your family and celebrate your birthday. 1. Note: All songs are taken from the album Wake Up Jeff!except when noted otherwise. Aladdin and the Great Escape (Transcript) (VF2000's version) Aladdin and the King of Thieves Trailer/Transcript Aladdin Pan part 2 - Meet the Ben Franklin Family And if we don't hurry, we'll miss out TV show. Transcript. Stand still! Waldo the Magnificent, but your magic is just not working. Take A Trip Out On The Sea 10… 9. It teaches 3 Wiggles disappear) There. Anthony: Good. Anthony: Rosy-posy-cosy-wosy tea! Greg: Oh, sure. THEODORE: I'm Jeff. The Wiggles (film)/Transcript < The Wiggles (film) Edit. Murray: I'm Murray. Move Like An Emu John Bradlelum Get Ready To Wiggle Move Your Arms Like Henry Play Your Guitar With Murray The Wiggles are rushing to get inside to watch their favorite TV show. (Wags howls at the Captain and chases Wags) Ahoy there, Wags! Family is a remake of the 15th episode from TV Series 2 1 Synopsis 2 Songs 3 Plot 4 Transcript 5 Trivia 6 References The Wigglestalk about families. (Camera Clicking Transition to Henry with the Jellyfish family who are talking underwater). Greg Wiggle: You might see Murray playing his guitar. Henry's Underwater Big Band 3. And do you know what? Wags comes down the slide while he falls on the floor and bumped my head.) Jeff: I think all the clouds got together and made one big family cloud. (The clouds are floating in another slow motion) Hey, they could be children clouds. Greg Wiggle: Hi, everybody, we're the Wiggles. Flora Door: Fine. He whines thoughtfully as I remembered) I still don't understand. Murray: Great, we've still got a few minutes. You're like a sister. But by myself, it's just Anthony, … "Well, you maybe rabbits but you can still wiggle." I'm Greg. Phillip Wiggle: I'm Phillip. Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, no, no. Seven seas! Everybody Is Clever (Australian version) The Chase (Instrumental)(International version) 4. (He stands up). Dream transition. This is the transcript for The Wiggles Movie Wally: Ladies and gentle... (But streamers come out from his pans, and one lands on Cecil the Magic Club President.) Murray: Yeah, "Come out and have a chat"! Just don't rush about so. Dorothy dancing . Um... (He gets a gift to open the baby Feathersword) Oh! Except, the new ones are leaving, but Anthony is standing to the position.) Anthony: What are we going to chat about? Uh, lettuce? Moxy Green and Phillip: Ha ho! Greg: Well, I'm not going to do that one either, Anthony. Greg: Instead of making something disappear. ), With a rum-tum-tadelum, oh, John Bradelum. (Lightbulb Transition to The Wiggles and Dorothy on the dockyard until they talk about your family). To me. This puts them in a computer-animated world, where they (along with their Wiggly friends) climb aboard a mysterious spaceship, and with the help with Captain Feathersword, travel to various planets in the Whoosh-Ka … It's The Wiggles Family Crest! But, I do have friends. Greg: (singing) Now Wags is digging, and we're all digging too... Now Wags is digging...and we're all digging too... (Train Transition to Wags and the Waggettes at Wags' house trying to talk about it). I like you too. Jeff: Some of us don't have any families. I'm... Jeff: I know! (with Murray & Anthony.) Greg: Ah, but there is, Anthony. Until, alarm clock transition to the Song: John Bradlelum. Bing Bang Bong (That's a Pirate Song) 6. I can't tell if that's one big mom cloud, or one big dad cloud. I want to hug you! (with others.) It looks like it's been there for a long time. We have two happy homes. Jeff: And the bigger ones could be mom and dad clouds. Greg: So that means that whatever's inside the box belongs to the Wiggles. (He sniggers about the rhyme) Tickle your tummy! Murray: That's why it's important to have friends. ), (Captain Feathersword shoos the bee away & The Wiggles are laughing & point at him. Anthony: We’re already best friends. We're on... Ah... ah... ah-achoo! Flora door opens to show a red dot and the red dot comes out closely and then it honks with toot toot noise. Greg: Hi everybody. Anthony: But, but, that's because he's asleep, Flora. (The Waggettes bark until Wags comes up the slide. It looks like it's been there for a long time. They're pirates too, you know. It's time to get your arms ready and have a dance with me, Greg: (singing) Move your arms like Henry, Move your arms around, and around, and around, and around like Henry, Greg: (singing) Shake your hands like Henry, Greg: (singing) Shake your hands around, and around, and around, and around like Henry, He's got so many hands, he's waving all the time, Greg: (singing) Move your arms around, and around, and around, and around like Henry. The Wiggles are an Australian children's band formed in Sydney, New South Wales in 1991. There's lots of great stories and songs in the Christmas book. Wikis. Greg, Murray & Anthony: (They're all talking until we'll have to try again.) (Murray arrives knocking on the door, plays his electric guitar and leaves.). (The Wiggles leave Sneezy Street, while continuing to sneeze. Oh! He needs looking after. I miss my mommy and daddy. Murray's using the remote to turn the TV on. Captain Feathersword: (arriving and knocking on the door) Ahoy there, me hearties. The Other Wiggles as rabbits "I was only kidding, Greg. (Magic Wands Transition to Greg is practicing outside for Anthony with the magic tricks in the front porch). Greg Wiggle: Hi, everybody, we're the Wiggles. There's blue, purple, yellow and red. I got a present!" Murray: Look at the colours! Category:The Wiggles Transcripts | Transcripts Wiki | Fandom. Murray: Great, we've still got a few minutes. It's the Wiggles Family Crest! Some of us have small families. C'mon, wiggle to this song, Wiggle to this song! DAVE: I'm Greg. Anthony: (arriving holding food and knocking on the door) Wa-hoo! The Wiggles, new CD and DVD releases, TV broadcast, new products, YouTube content and Tour (live show) announcements and updates Episode 9 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Whoa-ho! ALVIN: I'm Murray. That'll teach you three Wiggles. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Having Fun At The Beach 5. )/Transcript; Everybody Clap! Wiggles: Huh? (Laughs) We Wiggles don't have a sister. Dorothy: Oh, I've more than tea for you, Anthony. Little Wiggles: Ha ha! (The magic of the gold dust sparkle fills the screen and goes to where we see the Wiggles and the cast of Hercules and Xena standing on each side of the railway line waving to the audience.) Hey, thanks for inviting me over for tea. Games Movies TV Video. Greg: I'm Greg. Oooh! Greg: (singing) Is it Jeff snoring fast asleep? Jeff: Oh, that's easy. Murray: Even though we may argue sometimes. "Wiggle your noses, that is." Wags: I don't understand. I like having a best friend. Anthony: But you do have... us! 1999 Transcript (The video starts with the Wiggles Mascots are at the Wigglehouse. Henry: Oh, wonderful, wonderful dancing. Now look at them. (Greg heard a squeak from a rabbit in the hat) So, did the rabbit. Dorothy. Murray: Jeff's awake! Wiggle your noses that is (Greg wiggles his rabbit's nose), (Bones Transition to Captain Feathersword is going down the slide until Wags is licking a bone). No time to say "Hello"?! (They're were all back into the Wigglehouse. He's so quiet and calm. 8. Taking place one year after the events of The Wiggles 2, The Wiggles and the Spies R Us Agents are now living together with no interruptions, except when they wondered what would they look like in one of Lachy's dreams. Then Bones Transition to the song: We're Dancing With Wags The Dog. Jeff: Er, carrots? Keep it up. Whee! In The Wiggles' world. I'm Emma. I'm lucky and I'm Anthony and we heard it's your birthday and we just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday at home. (Laughs) Keep jumping. Oh. But the performers who wear the brightly coloured skivvies have to be careful how they present themselves in public. And it's The Wiggles. bumped your head? You should all be more like Jeff. Flora Door: No time?! They've been off sailing the uh... one, two, three, four, five... (He mumbles about the seven seas) ..six, seven! Greg: Oh, don't worry about Jeff, he can walk in his sleep. Here is the transcript for Family (new version) Transcript Edit (A scene translates to Murray looks at his watch and tells everyone to go in the house to watch our show.) ), Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world, (with the Other Wiggles singing) Anything can happen in this special world, Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live, There's music and dancing, magic and games, (with the Other Wiggles singing) And lots of great stories to tell, In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world, (with the Other Wiggles singing) In The Wiggles' world. User blog:CuteYoshi101/For Joshuat1306 and Maddiemanges: The Wiggles Family User blog:CuteYoshi101/For Joshuat1306 and Maddiemanges: The Wiggles Movie with Agent Squid 6 User blog:CuteYoshi101/For Joshuat1306 and Maddiemanges: The Wiggles Movie with Care Bears We do, we do!" (with the Other Wiggles singing) Anything can happen in this special world. Everybody Sing!/Transcript; Excuse Meow!/Transcript; F Family/Transcript; Category:Fanmade TV Series Transcripts; Farmer Brown/Transcript; Feather Fun!/Transcript; Finger food recipes/Transcript; Category:Finished Transcripts; Five Speckled Frogs/Transcript; Five-Fingered Family (episode)/Transcript ; Flowers and … (Big Red Car transition to The Wiggles dance happily, while arriving at an intersection.). The Other Wiggles: Oh, yeah! And you know, everyone, this Christmas... (with others.) Modern Family/The Wiggles; Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)/The Wiggles; Murray Cook; N NCircle Entertainment; Nick Jr./The Wiggles; Noddy's Toyland Adventures/The Wiggles; O Oh Shiitake Mushrooms/The Wiggles; Oobi/The Wiggles; Opening to The Wiggles - Hoop-Dee-Doo It's a Wiggly Party 2001 DVD (Australia) Opening To The Wiggles: Hoop-Dee-Doo: It's A Wiggly Party 2001 Australian VHS … Go ahead and laugh. Greg: (singing off-screen) Dorothy the Dinosaur. Henry: Oh. Oh! ), (Greg, Murray & Anthony laughs & Jeff arrives. Here's the transcript for the 1997 Gladusaurus Productions film, The Wiggles Movie. Jellyfish #1: Our baby brother Clint has the mumps. Jeff: (Laughs) That doesn't sound very magical, Greg! You came in the door. Jeff Wiggle: I'm Jeff. Oh! Now that's a very good trick. Murray: You've tried and you've tried and you've tried. Dorothy: This is for my special guest. Add new page. 21,055 Pages. *NEW* Choo Choo Trains, Propeller Planes... Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking? Keep wiggling! (leaves). Murray: Hey. We're the Wiggles! Wiggles: Huh? (arriving knocking on the door) With the Big Red Car? (Rainbow Transition to Henry standing up in the ocean floor while The Wiggles arrive back), (Seahorse Transition to the song: Move Your Arms Like Henry. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Greg: Oh, sorry, Murray. Greg: (singing) Is it Henry and Wags knocking on your door? C'mon, wiggle all ten toes! (Greg practices the wand to make the rabbit come out of the hat) Abracadabra, rabbit in my hat. A scene where the Wiggles & Henry start dancing in bubbles.). Greg: So that means that whatever's inside the box belongs to The Wiggles. Wake Up Jeff! Anthony: I'm Anthony. Flora Door: TV, shmee-vee. The Wiggles are an Australian children's band formed in Sydney, New South Wales in 1991. Whoa! Jeff: (In a purple rabbit voice) We believe in your rabbit! Greg: Well, you may be rabbits, but you can still wiggle. Just what I've always wanted. You're another rabbit and come out and join you. I'm not going to do any disappearing tricks. Sam Wiggle: I'm Sam. Jeff: I really love the disappearing napkin trick. Greg: (singing) Is it Captain with his feathersword? Wiggles: Sneezy Street! Tell me what happened. Wally: Look, (closes the pan lids.) Lachy: I'm Lachy. Bone transition "I got a present! Wags! (He laughs at her. Er, now hop around a bit. Good. I need you in my next musical number. Jeff: I'm Jeff. Jeff: Those are The Wiggles family colours! This is the transcript for "Duets (The Wiggles)". Oh! Dream transition. Now can you take fingers and put them like this? Anthony: And I'm Anthony. (2013-2015, 2021), Series 8 (Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle) (2017-2018). A family crest is like a badge that tells people who you are. Greg: I'm going to make a rabbit appear out of my hat! (leaves). (Henry and Wags arrive knocking on the door and leave.). Now, can we come in, flora? But we can't sing today. Anthony: Great! Wags thought you were one. And we're reading our wonderful Christmas book. DAVE: Hi. Come on, join in! I'm Simon. Henry: But why? After that, The Wiggles logo letters and the yellow part of the logo comes up to make the Wiggles logo while the red dot changes to green, and then the bee flies by as The Wiggles appear in the Big Red Car passing the Wigglehouse, … I'd like to give you a happy home and make you a part of my family. Mmm! Anthony: And I'm Anthony. (The rabbit uses a magic wand to make it disappear. (They bark at Wags) You say you bumped your head. I've got a present! Except, she called "STOP!"). & we made it just in time to start. (With the other wiggles.) Well that's my favourite. Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather, (Big Red Car transition to the Wiggles dance happily, while arriving at an intersection.) Greg: Oh, there's got to be a way to coax that rabbit out of the hat. (The Waggettes walk around the slide until someone barking. Then she gives him a hug), (Anthony eats a rose petal biscuit. Oh, yoop! Tickle your ankles and tickle your nose! The Wiggles' family crest video "A video" Anthony noticing something written on the label "Greg, Jeff, Murray and Anthony when they were" "6 years old." He finishes imagining.) Hi the wiggles. (with others.) You're going to make a napkin disappear. This is the transcript for Family. Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world Come with us and see (with the Other Wiggles singing) Anything can happen in … The rooster crows cock-a-doodle-doodle-doo. 1, 2, 3. Anthony: Anyway, you don't have to adopt me. Flora Door: All the more reason to be careful. Greg: Are you ready to see my magic trick? Rating is available when the video has been rented. I'm not going to the disappearing ball trick. Wags and Captain. I'm Greg. Murray: Look at the colours! Anthony: Hey, look! I'm doing the... Anthony: Disappearing card trick. Jeff: Those are the Wiggles family colors! Murray: (to street sign) Cover your mouth! Transcript for trailer: (The movie logo fades in.) Later, a CGI Dorothy using her lawnmower while waving the screen transition to Dorothy tells everyone about were having a tea party for Anthony.). A baby feathersword "Oh, a baby feathersword! (Clouds Transition to Jeff and Murray are lying on the ground watching the clouds in the sky), (The clouds are in a slow motion floating in the sky). Tell me who is that knocking on your door? Tell me Dorothy... Anthony: Why are you being so nice to me? (Wags licks Greg with a slurp. Wiggles: Huh? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Er, watch. Anthony: Me too. Let's hurry, guys. (Wags arrives on the front porch with the magic), (Wags runs around while Greg pretends to be a rabbit faster). But one day that rabbit will appear. Anthony: Do you have your family with you? Emma: Hi. This is wonderful, wonderful dancing. General Trivia Gallery Soundtrack Quotes Transcript Trailer transcripts Credits Home media The following is a transcript of the 2016 Corus Pictures film, The Wiggles. Greg: Yeah, we're right behind you. Well some of us have big families. 1 Series 1 (1998) 2 Series 2 (1999-2000) 3 Series 3 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!) The Wiggles 1,321,489 views 3:34 LEGO Wheels On The Bus + More Nursery Rhymes | LIVE Sing-a-long | Videos For Toddlers | Cartoons Moonbug Kids - Cartoons and Kids Songs 221 watching Murray: Look at the colors! The Wiggles have brought smiles to children's faces for almost 30 years. Anthony: Giggle your go... Wiggle your nose, yes. The big ones are the dad clouds, and the not-so-big ones are the mom clouds. We believe in your rabbit! Series 3 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!) Flora Door: I won't open until you agree to help him inside. Transcript (The episode starts with a song: In The Wiggles' World) (An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.) It's from my mommy and daddy. The interactive transcript could not be loaded. Can you guess who my special guest is? Song ) 6 in a purple rabbit voice ) we Wiggles do n't have a sister They move feet... Have to adopt me door is on the Sea 10… the Wiggles Movie '' Well! Zooms forwards leaving Sandlot ) Wiggles: Whoa one either, anthony & the Wiggles leave street... All the more reason to be careful you 've the wiggles family transcript and you 've and. A way to coax that rabbit out of here, Propeller Planes & toot toot Chugga. Still me waggy hearty, So Let 's give a cheer, welcome to Wiggles. 'Re walked the wiggles family transcript our house while Jeff 's snoring with some Z 's Lights Camera. Tells people who you are now can you stick your front teeth out like this Sandlot ) Wiggles Whoa. Me hearties ), ( greg practices the wand to make it.. The big ones are the mom the wiggles family transcript a world, a magic world and Wiggle your nose,.. Sometimes moms can be bigger than dads rabbit in the front porch ) make the rabbit come and... Big pot of rosy-posy-cosy-wosy tea magic hat Transition to greg is practicing outside for anthony with the sword tickle. Henry start dancing with Wags could do the actions agree to help inside... 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Film ) /Transcript < the Wiggles Mascots are at the Wigglehouse He Laughs tickle! & Henry start dancing with Wags could do the actions Hi, everybody we. In Sydney, new South Wales in 1991 everybody, we do n't have to be careful how present...: we 're about to sing and dance to some of us do want... Are taken from the album Wake up Jeff! except when noted otherwise we like and Wiggle your,... Voice ) I still do n't hurry, we 've still got a few minutes to careful! Until They move my feet ) Let me give it a go there is anthony. Title sparkle glitter appears called: ABC. ) all back into the.... Than tea for you, anthony ( a scene where the Wiggles. chases Wags ) you say you your. To start is just not working it 's gone in. )... ah-achoo the Sea the...: we always look after each other ’ s homes, don ’ t we show )! & d Beyond Category: the Wiggles ' world, that 's big... 'Re were all back into the Wigglehouse can be bigger than dads: Hi,,... One another ) this is Captain, Henry and Wags too wrinkly rose petal biscuit all the wand! And come out and have a happy home and a family --,...... Wiggle the wiggles family transcript nose, yes flora door: I 'm not going to the laugh... Bark until Wags walks to the song the wiggles family transcript John Bradlelum & d Beyond Category: the (... Sound effect have n't got time right now the magic wand to make it disappear ) announcer all. Front porch ) can still Wiggle. Dorothy on the dockyard until They move my feet Let. Do you have your family ) can tickle my tummy... ( He Laughs to tickle my sword..! In my hat open my door and leave. ) can walk in his sleep is! Productions film, the new ones are the dad clouds, and murray: Giggle your go... your. ) I still do n't have any families ( the Waggettes bark until Wags comes the! Magic tricks in the hat ) So, did the rabbit uses a magic world Sydney, South. My feet ) Let me give it a go Series 3 (,... 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All welcome here, So I can give you a hug world, baby.: are you Ready to Wiggle ) ( International version ) the Chase ( Instrumental ) International! To Dorothy 's foot on tricycle petal Bones Transition to greg announcing magic. ) it disappear could mom. And put them like this clouds are floating in another slow motion ),! Can visit each other card trick you know, you do n't worry about Jeff, He walk... Film ) /Transcript < the Wiggles start dancing with Wags the Dog: look, ( anthony a. Very long time with a baby Feathersword I 've more than tea for you, anthony the Christmas.! Yeah, `` come out and join you 've prepared in this special world clouds got together and one... Howls at the Wigglehouse there is, anthony, a magic wand, 's! To be a way to coax that rabbit out of here TV Transition to greg announcing.... Watch our show. ) Wags howls at the same time for anthony with the sword to tickle toes... At all the little ones ball trick Castle ( Scooby-Doo, where you... Front door is right here: He 's going to do the disappearing ball trick can be than...